Alex Straatmann
President, Kearney Public Schools Board of Education
Alex Straatmann is an attorney and works for the federal government. He is a member of the U.S. Army Reserves and also president of the Kearney Public Schools Board of Education. As an active member of the military he stays involved in leadership roles with the Central Nebraska Veterans Memorial, Rob Morris Lodge 46, and is a member of American Legion Post 52. His wife is Kim Andresen.
Dancing experience: “Happily entertaining wedding audiences since 1982.”
How might someone describe your dancing? “Erratic, uneven, clumsy.”
Favorite dance style: Big Band or Swing.
Least favorite dance style or step: “Country line dancing.”
Favorite dance partner: “My wife.”
Your ‘go-to’ dance move: “Fox trot.”
Song that will get you on the dance floor: “Jump, Jive and Wail” (Brian Setzer Orchestra).
Favorite memory of dancing: “My great-uncle Verle Straatmann playing the piano for our first dance at our wedding.”
Personal goal for KDWTS: “To not fall, slip or otherwise injure myself (including my pride).
Why did you decide to participate in KDWTS: “No one should ever feel isolated, alone or without hope. Raising funds for suicide prevention and knowing a life could be saved by raising money for more resources is an important task for our community.”
Why should fans vote for you? They will see someone doing something out of their comfort zone, but not afraid to do something new and have fun with it.