Our Causes
Supporting our Local Youth – Kearney Dancing with the Stars “4”
A coalition of youth-focused organizations: Compass, Make-A-Wish, and TeamMates. By partnering with these organizations our goal is to support youth of all ages in our community through mentoring, foster care, and granting wishes to kids dealing with life-threatening illnesses.

There are kids all around us who see the world a lot differently than we do. They feel isolated and confused as the world moves on without them. Compass provides support, training, and financial assistance to help foster families make a difference in the lives of these kids. We give families the skills, tools and financial resources that are needed to bring the mission field into their homes. Foster families provide love, guidance and hope to kids in need. Compass is committed to finding foster families who are able to provide a stable home environment with supervision, structure and support to ensure youth have every opportunity for success.

Every 34 minutes Make-A-Wish grants the wish of a child battling a critical illness in the United States and its territories. Make-A-Wish serves a unique role in helping strengthen and empower these children and their families during a time often clouded with worry. 2020 is a milestone year for Make-A-Wish, as it marks the 40th anniversary of the wish that inspired its founding in 1980. The Nebraska chapter is proud to have played their part over that time, granting over 2,800 wishes for children across Nebraska. In honor of their anniversary, Make-A-Wish is going to harness the star power in each of us, celebrating the stars who came before and those yet to join us. As they shine a light toward the past and future efforts of Make-A-Wish, they will stay steadfast in their mission to grant the wish of every eligible child. It is their belief that every child deserves a childhood. By helping to grant a wish, you can be a light of hope and joy for a child battling a critical illness in your community today.

The mission of the TeamMates Mentoring Program is to impact the world by inspiring youth to reach their full potential through mentoring. More than 170 school districts across 5 states are transforming lives through the TeamMates Mentoring Program.
Dr. Tom and Nancy Osborne started the TeamMates Mentoring Program in 1991 with 22 University of Nebraska-Lincoln football players and 22 Lincoln middle school students. Coach Osborne felt the athletes in his program could make an impact on the students. Of the 22 original mentees, 21 went on to graduate from high school while one left school early to pursue a successful Motocross career. 18 of those original mentees also went on to pursue a post-secondary education.
The TeamMates Mentoring Program was formalized as a statewide program in 1998 and has grown to serve chapters across four states.