Kyle Sayler
Sayler Screenprinting
Ahoy! My name is Kyle Sayler, and lots of folks know me as your friendly neighborhood t-shirt nerd. I was born and raised in Kearney, and I am proud to call this place my home. It’s been awesome to be able to give back to a community that helped raise me. When I’m not making t-shirts at Sayler Screenprinting, you can find me on the softball field, working on home remodels, or playing/singing with my acoustic guitar around Central Nebraska. My favorite part about owning a local small business is the opportunity that I have to give back to our community. I’m always amazed by how giving Kearney is!
What experience do you have dancing: “I can swing dance, but that’s about it.”
Words to describe what you look like when you dance: “There are no words.”
Favorite dance: “Swing, jazz, 50s would be cool!”
Least favorite dance style: “Probably wouldn’t love polka or salsa (unless it’s with chips!)”
Go-to dance move: “Depends on how many drinks! 🙂 I don’t have a go-to yet, but I’m agile, so cartwheels and flips aren’t out of the question.”
Favorite memory of dancing: “I don’t have too many memories. I don’t typically perform unless I have a guitar in my hands.”
Personal goal for KDWTS: “Open up and learn how to loosen up and dance!”
Why fans should vote for you: “I’m a hometown boy, born and raised. My whole adult life I’ve felt the need to continuously improve the culture of Kearney. I get so much joy in just being involved and helping the community. A little pat on the back might be nice, but if not, no big deal!”