Kim Dart
Mom, Wife, Artist, & Fitness Instructor,
Kim Dart Designs and Just for Ladies Fitness
Kim Dart has a passion for people, helping others and having fun! She is thrilled all three passions have come together with Dancing With The Stars. As an educator and mother, Kim understands the importance organizations like Compass, Teammates & Make-A-Wish can make in the lives of children and families. “I am quite willing to step up and put myself out there if it helps kids!” Most of Kim’s leadership and volunteerism center around youth in our community. She has served with the Kearney Children’s Museum, Leadership Kearney, several Kearney Public Schools committees, UNK’s Alpha Phi sorority, Kenwood and Park Elementary School PTO groups, and Crane River Theater. In addition to her community involvement, Kim has her own painting and custom art business – Kim Dart Designs. Kim and her husband, Lucas, have three amazing kids, Nolan, Lydia, and Morgan.
What experience do you have dancing: “Nothing professional, but does tearing up the dance floor at weddings count?”
Words to describe what you look like when you dance: “Energetic!”
Favorite dance style: “I LOVE dancing to hip hop and R&B music. I can country swing, two-step and line dance. I love to watch all types of dancing and I’m open to learning all styles!”
Least favorite dance style: “Anything too formal. I want to move and have fun!”
Go-to dance move: “Booty shake and snap.”
Favorite memory of dancing: “My childhood best friend and I taught ourselves to dance (circa 1986) by watching Janet Jackson videos on MTV and practicing in her driveway. We would play her ‘Control’ album via cassette tape & blare the boombox for the neighbors to enjoy! We were the best back up dancers EVER! It is still a mystery why Janet never called.”
Personal goal for KDWTS: “I want to have fun, step outside my comfort zone, and learn new things, while doing something to make a difference in the lives of kids. Compass, Teammates & Make-A-Wish are all outstanding organizations serving youth. I am honored to play a role in making positive changes in children’s lives.”
Why fans should vote for you: “I am very passionate about helping children. Anything I can do to bring a little happiness, joy & love into their lives I will do! Partnering up with Compass, Teammates & Make-A-Wish offers an amazing platform for being a difference-maker on the ground level. I promise to dance my heart out for these kids! I hope to bring an equal amount of joy, happiness, and fun to this event.”