Ryan Stanton
President and CEO,
Ryan has been serving in child welfare for 20 years. He is currently the President, CEO, and co-founder of Compass, a foster care and family service agency that has been serving children and families in Nebraska since 2007. Ryan was instrumental in bringing CarePortal to Nebraska. CarePortal is a technological platform that connects children and families in crisis to local churches who want to help. Ryan is a father of three daughters and two sons that range in age from 6-20. He has been married to his sweetheart, Danielle, since 1998. In addition to being a hero for children and families, Ryan is a travel enthusiast, a Leadership Kearney graduate (Class 24) and an elder at The Table Church. Despite his basketball playing stature, he is Kearney Regional Airport-famous for his dance moves, which can be discovered on YouTube.
What experience do you have dancing: “Show choir in high school, Daddy-Daughter date night dance champion, and Kearney Airport Dancing (check it out on YouTube)!”
Words to describe what you look like when you dance: “Pretty light on my feet for a big guy.”
Favorite dance style: “Ska! Upbeat and energetic.”
Least favorite dance style: “Country.”
Go-to dance move: “The Woah.”
Favorite memory of dancing: “Winning the 4th-grade dance competition with Ashley at Daddy-Daughter Date Night.”
Personal goal for KDWTS: “I want to have a ton of fun!”
Why fans should vote for you: “I hope people will appreciate all of the hard work I have put in to put on a good show and to have fun. But most of all, to benefit such deserving youth service organizations!”