Angie Kratochvil-Stava
Pediatrician, Kearney Clinic
Tap-dancing doc
This busy doctor-wife-mom is fast-footing all over Kearney, chasing husband Bryan Stava, and daughters Samantha, 9; and Jane and Molly, both 7. She’s active on the executive board of Kearney Area Children’s Museum, and at St. James Church. Angie is Kearney native who came back home to raise her family and practice medicine. “This is a great town,” she said. She is looking forward to participating in Kearney’s Dancing with the Stars because of her commitment to community involvement… and she thinks it will be fun and she will meet people.
Dancing experience: tap and jazz in middle school and high school.
Favorite dance style or step: SLOW
Favorite memory of dancing: At her wedding (Bryan is also her “favorite dance partner”… “Can anyone convince him to dance with me?” she says) and dance recitals in Kearney
Song that will get her on to the dance floor: “Anything!”
Personal goal for KDWTS: Learn to dance
Favorite Dancing with the Stars’ star: Zendaya
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