Josh Lamberson
UNK Head Football Coach
Dancing Lambo
Now a star Division II quarterback who led his team to the national championship… you would think he has some moves. Or at least some quick feet. But Josh Lamberson, the Lopers’ first-year head football coach, claims his only dancing ability is with the Polka. Remember, he is from Wilber. He says his favorite dances are the ones that come with directions, like Electric Slide or Cupid Shuffle. “Lambo” takes his sideline orders at home from wife Mandy, and together they are parents to Kiya, 3; and Ace, 1. Josh was active before moving to Kearney with Habitat for Humanity, United Way, and their church, and KDWTS is his first venture into volunteering in Kearney. He hopes to manage getting in practice time in between fall season, winter recruiting, and spring season. Look out guys, Josh is competitive, and he will have the edge with anything that a 3-year-old would dance.
Dancing experience: “Numerous Czech Heritage Days performances and high-school Swing Choir.” (Anyone watch Glee?)
Go-to dance move: “I don’t really have one yet.”
Favorite dance style: “Polka?”
Song that will absolutely get you on the dance floor: “Pharell’s ‘Happy’”
Favorite dance partner: “Mandy. Wait. I’ll have to give it to Kiya. She and I have dance parties at the house to things like the Hot Dog Dance and Mickey Mouse Club Playhouse.”
Words to describe what I look like when I’m dancing: “Awkward.”
Personal goal for KDWTS: “to experience some new things and have a good time raising money.”
Why did I decide to participate in KDWTS?: “I couldn’t say no. No, I mean that. Literally. And these are phenomenal causes.”
Who is your toughest competition… the STAR to beat?: Dave Griek
Are you a fan of Dancing with the Stars?: “Honestly, I’ve never seen it. I’m not sure how it even works.”
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