Leslie Martin
Community Volunteer
Leslie Martin is eager to get back on the dance floor with friend Mark Stute, whom she may have forced to do this competition as a pair. But the two, who taught country dance at Central Community College (a while ago) are also eager to help contribute to a communitywide effort to prevent suicide. Leslie is a member of the board of Buffalo County Community Partners, the Kearney Area Community Foundation, and volunteers with numerous other organizations: The Royal Neighbors Kearney Chapter, SAFE Center Purse Auction, and Kearney Area Community Foundation Wine and Jazz Festival, SAFE Center, Threads Across Nebraska, and various programs with First United Methodist Church. She and husband John are parents to Jenna and Lani.
Dancing experience: “I taught country dance lessons for CCC while going to college.”
How might someone describe your dancing? “Groovy, Slow-flowy. Fun.”
Favorite dance style: “I really don’t have a favorite. I just enjoy dancing to all kinds of music.”
Least favorite dance style or step: “I don’t enjoy line dances.”
‘Go-to’ dance move: “When in doubt, the moves from Saturday Night Fever usually work” (hips-moves and finger-points.)
Song that will get you on the dance floor: “Any fast country swing music.”
Favorite memory of dancing: “Teaching my girls how to lead when dancing with a boy.”
Personal goal for KDWTS: “WIN.”
Why did you decide to do KDWTS? “I’m participating because I believe in bettering a community – being involved in many organizations and to represent Buffalo County Community Partners.”