Dan Lynch is a no-nonsense guy (see his questionnaire responses below), and he looks, sounds, and IS tough, but put him on the dance floor, and you’ll see a whole different Chief. Look for elegant and suave. Behind his gruff exterior is a heart of gold, and as a lifelong law enforcement officer, we know this guy is adventurous – indeed fearless. Good combination in a competition like this, along with some skill. Lynch has been with Police Department for 40 years in Kearney, where he and wife Barb have been at home since 1975.
Dancing experience: “None.”
Favorite dance style: “Watching.”
Least-favorite dance style: “Participating.”
Go-to dance move: “From my recliner.”
Song that will absolutely get you on the dance floor: “Come on. See above.”
Favorite dance partner: “My wife.”
Words to describe what I look like when I’m dancing: “Abysmal”
Favorite memory involving dancing: “I had to dance with a young lady for a Junior Miss program. We were both thrilled when it was over.”
Goal for participating in KDWTS: “Not to embarrass myself.”
Why are you participating in KDWTS: “I could say ‘blackmail,’ but I’ll say ‘dogged pursuit and perseverance’ from the planning team.”
Why should fans vote for you: “I promise we will surprise you!”